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The Web Is a Loud Place: Make Your Website Sing Above the Noise

Do you have a website that doesn’t seem to be generating the results you expected? What you need is a clapper and a speaker. Read on. I’ll explain.

Author: Sarah Wells

November 5, 2021

The other day I went to an assembly held at my kids’ school. There were 30 parents and what seemed like 8,000 kids. Everyone was talking.

I’m a high-functioning introvert, so as the event and our children continued to wind up, I found myself turning into the Grinch, covering my ears and chanting, “All the noise, noise, noise, NOISE!”

The person in charge started to try to talk over the din in the room. “Hey…” he said into the microphone. “Hello…” he said in a Darth Vader-esque voice. “Can I have your attention, please.” Still nothing. Still the roar and buzz and whine and squeal of hundreds of random voices.

Suddenly, a teacher in the room clapped. One. Two. Three-four-five. Children froze in place and echoed the clap: One. Two. Three-four-five. And just like that, the speaker had everyone’s attention. Now he could tell his story. Now he could give instructions.

Are You the Speaker, or Are You the Clapper?

If you have a website but don’t seem to be getting the results you expected from your investment, it could be that your content is behaving like the speaker at my kids’ event. Your website is saying a lot of things, but it’s so loud on the Internet that nothing’s getting through.

Make your website tell a better story.

Maybe your message isn’t clear.

Maybe your call to action is buried.

Maybe you’re telling the wrong story.

What you need is a “clapper,” someone who knows the best way to grab the attention of your potential customers, tell them a compelling story, and point them in the right direction—to buy, to subscribe, to donate, or to call.

The Internet Is Loud. Tell a Story that Resonates with Your Customer.

To stand out above the noise, you need a clapper and a speaker in your marketing strategy.

The Clapper:

Your clapper is a killer headline that grabs the attention of your customer who’s sorting through all the noise of the internet (social media, search engine results, etc.).

The Speaker:

Now that you’ve got their attention, you better have something to say that’s worth listening to, because you only have a few seconds to keep their attention.

The clapper knows that to communicate with her customer, she must get their attention and speak their language. She must know their needs and guide them to the next action.

And the speaker knows once she has the crowd’s attention, it’s time to speak: bold, clear, concise, direct.

With the right heading, the right message, and the right images in place, you’ll find your customer sticking around your site longer, finding your products easier, and engaging with your business faster.

With the right content in place, you’ll shake free of the wrong customers and attract the right customers.

With the right content in place, your business will prosper and flourish.

Spire is in the clapping and speaking business. We know how to grab your audience’s attention and keep it all the way to your call-to-action, whether it’s a buy now button or a phone number.

Let us help your website sing. Get in touch with a team member at Spire to find out how you can change the way your customers interact with your advertising and website.

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