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Grow Your B2B Manufacturing Company

We’ll help you attract better leads & land more customers through advanced marketing strategy, data analysis, & execution expertise.

It’s easy for manufacturing leaders to get caught up in the day-to-day demands and lose sight of the big picture of marketing.



  • Technically complex features confuse prospects.
  • Your product benefits are tough to quantify.
  • You don’t stand out from your competition.
  • Your product is judged solely on its cost.



  • Lack of in-house bandwidth & expertise to track and analyze data.
  • Unsure of the ROI / ROAS of your ad campaign.
  • Go-to-market plans are often run by the seat-of-their-pants.
  • Never quite sure ads are “working” – especially the brand awareness ones.



Your limited, in-house market team….
  • Doesn’t bring in enough quality leads for the sales team.
  • Can’t keep up on marketing strategies and trends (so there’s missed opportunities).
  • Can’t run the sophisticated campaigns they need to on multiple platforms.
  • Aren’t able to target the multiple decision-makers in every company you’re trying to connect with.

We partner with B2B manufacturers to help them outpace their competition through expert marketing strategy, analysis, & execution.

When you partner with Spire, we’ll help you…

  • number 1

    Enhance your marketing strategy and multiply your in-house team. You’ll know what to do (and not to do), rather than just guessing.

  • number 2

    Get your sales and marketing teams on the same page. This will drive traffic, generate leads beyond those already shopping, and expand your client base with the right prospects.

  • number 3

    Track customer engagement and analyze campaigns. This data-driven insight will give you a competitive edge and allow you to adapt to your evolving market.

  • number 4

    Create a strategic message for your unique market position — with a plan to amplify your brand and stand out from the competition.

Measurable Marketing Strategy
Zeroed In On Your Business Goals

We bring fresh eyes to your unique set of challenges as a B2B Manufacturer. And, we collaborate with you and your team to build a clear, data-driven strategy to hit your most important growth goals.

We’ve been partnering with B2B manufacturing companies since 2008. 

Here are some of the recent results we’ve gotten for a few of our clients…. 

Packaging Manufacturer Case Study

A packaging manufacturing company looking to grow saw an opportunity to differentiate themselves as a packaging solutions provider but did not have a strategy that combined sales efforts with marketing support.

Hangar Door Manufacturer Case Study

An airport hangar door manufacturer looking to grow saw an opportunity to reach FBOs and airport operators in a new way, differentiating themselves with a reliable product, believing that, with more leads, other hangars would follow.

If you’ve wanted a partner who can erase the guesswork in marketing, let’s talk.

If You’re a B2B Manufacturing Executive, Don’t Skip This…

Hey, I’m Carrie, Business Development Director for Spire. I’ve been here for 7 years.

During that and before, we’ve worked with a lot of manufacturing companies. So we know you probably have the usual headaches:

  • Supply chain issues
  • Labor shortages
  • Rising costs
  • Keeping up with technology
  • Sustainability pressures
  • Cybersecurity threats
  • Skills gap (and aging demographics)  in your workforce
  • Competition from emerging economies
  • Rapidly changing consumer trends and preferences

But add to that ^ list of ulcer-inducers is this: you’re B2B. 

That means you have to attract the attention of just the right person in other businesses. 

(Or worse — a whole group of decision makers spread out over the company.)

And for some B2B manufacturers, crafting a clear message of value, benefits, and cost effectiveness is tough. 

Your product might be complex and technical, and the cost-savings for your customers isn’t evident. 

But you know it’s a fantastic product. Getting others to understand that can be difficult.  

Without a clear strategy to stand out from your competitors, it’ll be too easy to lose market share and see revenue fall.

So we get it. And I want to share with you how we’ve helped other B2B manufacturers…

Case Study Links »

Imagine your marketing team boosted by our strategists & analysts… 

  • Clarifying your message and the cost-effective benefits of your product
  • Developing a strategy to reach those tough to reach decision-makers
  • Ensuring your marketing budget is focused on what will give you the best ROI
  • Tracking the metrics that matter (and knowing what to do with that data)

Also, if you need it… 

Spire offers ongoing guidance and support for both strategy and execution. We can free up your marketing team for what they excel at the most.

If that sounds like something you’d like to explore, let’s set a meeting. You can call me directly at 419-496-4212, or email me at [email protected]

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