Three growth hacks to increase results
Author: Jeremy Harrison
Many people come to Spire for more traffic, but really they want the results that come from that traffic. This is what we do.
Getting new business from cold traffic is the HARDEST, most expensive way to grow. Don’t get me wrong… it’s important to attract new prospects into the top of your “funnel” and move them toward becoming customers. But —
These days, if you tell me, “I need results tomorrow,” I won’t suggest a website or an ad campaign as step one. I will prescribe one of three “growth hacks” that generate results much faster.
These three growth hacks I will share in second… they just work. And best of all, they work FAST.
At least two of the three would work in any business right now.
GROWTH HACK #1: Stop leads from slipping through the cracks.
Do you have a business where people work with you to consider a proposal and make a buying decision? There’s an opportunity here. Some prospects who fall off the map still want to buy. In fact, too many times competitors come in and scoop up these prospects that you could help more effectively. With better follow-up, you can give prospects the confidence that you can help them solve their problem quickly.
GROWTH HACK #2: Get past customers to come back again, and more often.
How many people have spent money with your organization over the past year? Chances are, there are opportunities to solve more problems for those people. Most organizations have the potential to double their business simply by getting past customers to do more.
GROWTH HACK #3: Keep active customers engaged longer.
What about those customers spending money right now in your business? Are you giving them everything they really need? It’s the 80/20 principle. There are always people who would do a LOT MORE with you if you simply create the opportunities and ASK. The fastest, easiest way to double your business is to find the 20% of your active customers who would like to do a whole lot more with you.
All three strategies work, because trust already exists. The customer already knows you.
Most people are hesitant to keep “selling” to a list of customers. They’re afraid to be too pushy, or afraid they will unsubscribe.
But it isn’t pushy. Not if your motives are true. You have solutions that would really HELP them. Right? So as long as you get clear about what they need, you can connect your solutions with their needs, and then you aren’t being pushy… you are helping them solve a problem.
People want to solve their problems, and they’d like to know if you can help.
Fail to do this, and you are actually UNDER serving your customers, and they will find someone else to solve their problems, (or more likely, someone else will find them.)