Snow Trails’ new website helps create buzz for opening day
Author: Jeremy Harrison
Snow Trails Ski Resort opened this weekend for the first time in the 2008-2009 season. It was great to see how they used their new website to promote the opening weekend.
Spire launched their new website on November 6. In just five weeks since the website launch, the new website has hosted nearly 50,000 visitors, and more than a half-million pages viewed.
The marketing team at Snow Trails has been taking advantage of every feature they have available to promote their ski resort online. For example:
- They are drawing visitors attention by frequently updating the slides on their home page slideshow. Each slide features a large, quality image, a title, a caption, and a mouse over. Whatever slide the visitor clicks, pulls them into a page on the site with more information.
- With the new Snow Trails blog, the marketing team is posting updates several times a week. This helped to build excitement for their opening – frequently communicating with skiing enthusiasts even before the first snowflake fell on the slopes.
- Also on the blog — they are getting valuable participation from their customers. Readers are able to post comments, and it has quickly created a community forum that’s helped build excitement, and bring the customers and the organization closer together.
- With the real-time weather report and snow report, they are able to keep readers posted on the status of every slope at Snow Trails. The snow reports are powered by an RSS feed, which allows tech-savvy skiers to receive realtime updates to the snow report the moment they are updated.
- When temperatures took an unexpected turn downward, Snow Trails realized they’d be able to open earlier than expected. They were able to communicate this days in advance, and finally promoted the opening with an email blast and text message to their customers the day before opening.
All of these strategies have helped Snow Trails be more agile in promoting their new season.
To the team at Snow Trails — we wish you well this winter! May it stay in the 20s and snow every day… until mid-March anyway… then we’ll be ready for Spring!