Should Your Blog Be Separate From Your Website?
When working with small businesses, we often talk to people who have both a website AND a blog. Here are 5 important reasons why the blog and the website should be combined into one online presence.
Author: Jeremy Harrison
August 14, 2013
When working with small businesses, we often talk to people who have both a website AND a blog. In this case, the website is usually a pain to update, and therefore it’s often outdated. The blog is often more up-to-date and easier to manage, but it doesn’t match the look and feel of the website.
Here are 5 important reasons why the blog and the website should be combined into one online presence:
- Better branding & navigation.
When blogs and websites are separated, the look and feel typically differ greatly from the website to the blog. Usually the company website has strong branding, and the blog looks like a cookie cutter WordPress blog template. By consolidating them, you can keep your company branding throughout, and build the blog content into the flow of your website. - Improved Credibility / Intimacy.
Chances are, the content you’re putting on your blog is informational. It’s relational. And it’s probably personal. Too many companies think this needs to be isolated from their company, and they end up building boring, stodgy website. But that relaxed content you’re putting on the blog is what makes you credible and relatable! It helps you build a more intimate connection with prospective customers, and it will greatly improve the tone of your website. - Seamless social media integration.
You need people interacting with your brand, and sharing your content with their friends. By integrating your website with your blog, and filling your blog with great content, you give people a reason to share your content with their friends. Don’t spend all your time putting content on Facebook. Instead, integrate your website and your blog and push content from your site out to Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms your company uses. - Better SEO results.
If you thought a link from your blog to your website would help search engine rankings for your website, think again. Yes, links are very important to SEO — but combining forces into one website is much more powerful. A single link from your blog isn’t nearly as valuable as all the links your blog will get from other sites over time. By having the blog and the website on one domain, all your links will benefit the same website. - The power of archived content.
Every blog post your write has the potential to bring in thousands of visitors for years after it is written. This is the power of archived content, and it can help your website multiply its traffic.
So don’t keep them separate! Get your blog and your website working together. You’ll improve your branding, improve your credibility, make your site more sharable, and boost SEO results and traffic at the same time.