Help Wanted: Expectations Manager
Author: Bryan Lefelhoc
I have many titles at Spire. Sales Director, Marketing Consultant, Client Representative. They are all correct in many ways. But, none quite right. What I really do is manage expectations. I am an “Expectations Manager”. I wonder if my new title comes with a corner office?
If a potential customer doesn’t know what to expect from my company, they won’t do business with my company…no matter what. Let me say that again, because it is critical to your success.
If a potential customer doesn’t know what to expect from your company, they won’t do business with you… no matter what.
As an “Expectations Manager”, not only do I need to know…I need to set expectations. What does a customer expect of Spire Advertising? What do they expect of me? What do they expect of the outcome of their potential internet marketing project with Spire Advertising?
The way I look, the way I act, the way I follow through…they all help to set expectations of Spire Advertising. And once I set the expectation, I had better be prepared to deliver. I can’t overpromise…I can’t hold back. I have to deliver the goods as expected.
Just as importantly, does my customer understand what is expected of him? It’s a two way street…and it’s all on me to make sure expectations are set in advance of closing a sale.
Make no mistake… meeting and setting expectations isn’t about delivering good results. It’s about understanding a customer’s expectations, matching that level when possible, resetting that level (higher or lower) when necessary, and ultimately delivering to that level… every time. If we (or I) can’t meet a customer’s expectations, then we should not be doing business together. And ninety-nine percent of the time, the customer will make that determination, based on their expectations of what we will deliver.
Your front door is an Expectations Manager. So is your website. So is your brochure. So are you.
So… ”How’s business”?
Well, what did you expect?