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Engaging Your Visitors with Great Web Content

Creating engaging content for your site’s visitors doesn’t have to be complicated. Use these three easy components to write compelling, engaging content!

Author: Jeremy Harrison

September 15, 2021

If they don’t feel engaged with your website, they’ll will move on. The key to engaging your visitors is great content.

A lot of work goes into generating clear, easy-to-understand web content. So much, in fact, that you may forget why you’re writing in the first place. Your visitors are fuel for your business and its future growth. They need to understand who and what you are. They need to think to themselves, “Hey, this place knows how to help me. And fast!”

It’s not as hard as you’d think! I’m sure that’s relieving to hear. Your visitors have a problem to solve. Relating to them is all about making sure they see you as a solution. No one likes a complicated solution. When someone asks what 2+2 is, they want a simple answer. Answering with, “the square root of 16,” will get you weird looks. Simplicity is key.  Anyway, this isn’t a math lesson. This is a content lesson!

There are three key elements to writing engaging content.

First, relate to your visitors’ needs.

How can you relate to your visitors? By taking the time to figure out who they are. Are they the local farmers of the community who need a reliable place to buy feed? Maybe you’re a yoga business who wants to target busy people who end their workday at 5PM. Taking the time to ask yourself, “What do my visitors need,” goes a long way.

Next, show some empathy.

Empathy shows you care. It shows you get your visitor’s problem. This is how you stand out among competitors. Here is an example of an empathy statement from the yoga business mentioned,

“We know you’re busy. You need a convenient place to practice yoga after your 9-5 workday.”

Instantly the visitor on your site feels a connection to your business because you understand his or her problem.

Finally, establish authority.

The fact that you understand your visitor’s need to practice yoga after work shows empathy. Establishing credibility is important, too. Have you been in business since 1980? This establishes authority. This is how you know what you’re talking about. But proceed with caution and always use empathy when you use authority.

Going off of the “We’ve been in business since 1980,” statement pairs with empathy in this way: 

“Ashland County’s convenient choice for after work yoga since 1980.”

The formula is simple. Empathy plus authority equals easy-to-understand content that has value to your visitors.

Spire has a proven system to help you figure this out. Our content team knows exactly how to word your messaging to engage your visitors. We use writing, video, web design, and more to portray your value to your visitor exactly the way you want it. And it works! We want to help you. Give us a call today and see how our content team can launch your website forward.

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